Lessons Learned in 2014
I’ve learned so many things over this past year that I can’t help but share them. I’ve decided to share what I learned in each month as the year progressed. These lessons include stories, insights, and advice that I was given to get through the good times as well as the hard times. Whether you know me well or not, I hope you can relate to any one thing, or at least know that you aren’t alone. I believe we should share our experiences with others who may be struggling with similar things so that we might be able to help each other through our hardships. Here we go. January- Just because it’s a new year, that doesn’t mean you start with an empty slate. If you don’t keep up with your good habits, the bad ones seep through and they don’t fix themselves. YOU must do the fixing. The lesson here that I learned was that just because the New Year brought new motivation, that didn’t mean I would miraculously become someone better. Not without continuous hard work on my part, anywa...